High-Performance CPR Student Handbook

$ 10.60

ASHI High Performance CPR Student Handbook. No certification card

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CPR guidelines define the most effective way to perform CPR. Yet there is a gap in quality between recommended guidelines and actual performance by most providers. High-Performance CPR is a simple concept: Improve the performance of CPR through high-quality skills, along with a practiced team approach, and the chance for survival improves.

The program, available for delivery in classroom and blended learning options, also emphasizes the need for an ongoing effort to improve and maintain skills, with suggestions and tools for ongoing skill development.

Because high-quality compressions are an important component of High-Performance CPR, the use of a CPR feedback device is required for this program. The LOOP Learning System can be used to meet that requirement.

Minimum prerequisite: Current certification in adult CPR and AED or BLS.

Required for Successful Completion (Certification)

Written Evaluation

Optional except when required by organizational, local or state regulation.

Skills Evaluation

All students must perform required skills competently without assistance.

Certification Period

2 Years

Course Length

2 Hours

Student / Instructor Ratio


Student / Equipment Ratio
